Thursday 22 January 2015

New years resolutions♥

New Years Resolutions 2015

Like tea.
I've started to live on hot chocolate. This isn't helped by my Dad constantly asking me if I want a 'cocoa' and me not being able to say no to a good thing. I hate going somewhere and being asked 'Tea or coffee?' and being thirsty and having to decline. Therefore, I will make myself like tea. Currently I am sitting here reluctantly drinking green tea wondering why the supposedly small cup is taking so long to drink, but I will con my taste buds into craving the bitter green juice.

Exercise 4 times a week.
Exercise is effort in Winter. I got into going out on runs in the Summer but now it's cold and dark, enough exercise for the week has been converted from long runs into 10 minutes on the wii fit a week. I have decided to do workout videos on youtube during on the week and I will try to drag myself out into the cold for a run on Saturdays despite my inner complaints.

Look after my pets.
I have a cat (Bella) who is unconditionally loved despite her meowing louder than I ever thought a cat could meow at 2 in the morning. She has cat dementia and is completely mad. Although we try to make it obvious for her, she still doesn't realize that she can drink water straight from the bowl, she tips it over with her foot and licks it off the floor. Not much more can be expected from a cat who is 18 human years (89 cat years)? I also have two 6 year old guinea pigs who, regretfully, I have pushed aside for a few years. When I first got them I was devoted. I would get up early and bring them in to play before school and they would be in for hours after school. But recently they have been taken out once a week at most, and I feel guilty so this year, they will be looked after more.

Be a first alarm kind of person.
2014: 6:50. First alarm. Snooze it. 6:55. Second alarm. Snooze it. 7:00. Third alarm. Snooze it. Continues until 7;30 when I realize that I only have half an hour to look half respectable and get on the bus.
This must stop. I am determined to become a person who can hear her alarm at 6:50 and get straight out of bed and start the day from the first ring. It's working now and I've started putting the alarm on the other side of the room so I am forced to get up to turn the alarm off.

I am very lucky. I live in a stable country where there is not much to worry about and my parents both have jobs. Recently I watched Sprinkle of Glitters video where she made packs for the homeless 
( and I want to do some of the same. Rather than throwing a too small top in the bin I  will give it to a charity shop. I also want to cook for my Mum. I don't want her to have to come home after a long journey and have to cook straight away. Homework isn't a problem for me so I will cook for us and she can put her feet up.

Let's hope I can keep these up:)

Love Millenniums daughter ♥

Pumpkin and patch♥

Wednesday 3 December 2014

How not to be stressed

For lots of people my age, stress is a given problem most of us are faced with. Whether it's as serious as anxiety or just panic before exams, it's not fun and it's something we wish we don't have to put up with.

I am a bit of a stress head. I don't get stressed about the obvious things, exams or homework, I get stressed when I want to do everything but can't, or when I'm too tired but still have work to do.

We need more methods to combat this stress. I don't deal with it the right way: I tend to continue doing too much and cancel plans with friends and then instead of doing work I end up staring at my book blankly and just having a stress.

When I do combat stress correctly, I will plan when I am going to do what I need to do and have an evening in. Sitting in my onesie whilst watching a stupid Christmas film and drinking hot chocolate seems to be the best way to stop stress and calm my brain there is.

So next time you're boiling over the edge, stop staring at the floor screaming inside and TALK to someone. Plan when you are going to do something and have an evening off. 

Trying to give advice here
Millennium's daughter 

Saturday 4 October 2014

Thoughts on Autumn

So I have an apology. I haven't posted in over a month. There are no excuses. I am sorry. Forgive me.

Since we last talked I have started a new year at school. GCSE's are now the only topic teachers can talk about and the work is getting abundant and more demanding. Being a stress head, this is not very good for stress levels so I haven't really been posting because most of the time i'm walking around in circles knowing I have to do work but being too stressed about it so not actually doing any. Well done me. Great work ethic over here.

But now my favorite season is arriving and it makes me very happy indeed. As i'm typing this now, it's pouring it down with rain, the leaves are falling, i'm completely freezing because the heating isn't on but nevertheless the cold dark days of Autumn make me very happy. Soon I will start wearing over sized jumpers with thousands of layers underneath and a woolly coat over the top, with jeans which have four pairs of leggings underneath for extra warmth. Soon I will begin to take a scarf and gloves everywhere and drink hot chocolate like an addict. The prospect of these events makes me very happy indeed. Autumn is my favorite season and i'm very happy to see it approaching.

So let's not be grumpy about the days getting shorter. Let's smile because soon it's Halloween, and in a few weeks we'll be burning Guy on fireworks night. Let's smile because pumpkins and squash are in season (and they are the best foods) and let's smile because we can kick fallen leaves on evening walks.

Smile because it's autumn.

Love from Millenniums Daughter x

Tuesday 2 September 2014

August 2014 Favourites

Hey you who is reading my blog,
I've been watching lots of YouTube monthly favourite videos recently, and always think they are pretty entertaining. So I thought i'd take the fun of the favourites to my blog. Hopefully this will become a monthly thing.

First of all, my favourite place has been St Ives, Cornwall. Me, my mum and Dad went on a weeks holiday there and I completely fell in love with Cornwall. It was so different to the rainy place most English people think a holiday to Cornwall will be like. As me and my Dad are incapable of sitting still, we went on a surfing and walking holiday. I managed to stand up surf :D. We went on a walk for 2 hours then found a secret cove, with seals bobbing in the sea whilst we ate the Cornish pasties which we had bought in the amazing St Ives Bakery that morning. Completely idyllic, and it only rained on our departure day.

Images from the secret-ish cove

My favourite beauty product this month has been the Clean and Clear Morning Energy Face wash. I picked it up in poundland (classy me) and I think it's done me some good. I certainly feel refreshed after I use it, it smells yummy unlike face washes I've used in the past which smell like I'm putting bleach on my skin. I use my Nivea moisturiser afterwards and then I feel facially prepared for the day.

My favourite website this month has been good old Ebay. I managed to sell an old Hollister hoody, Jack Wills Jumper and a Hollister tshirt for £25. EBay is really great for me because I don't wear designer clothes anymore (I think it's pointless) so I can get good prices for things I don't wear. Wearing pre worn clothes doesn't bother me, so it's good to find good deals. I recently bought a thick jumper for the colder days we'll be getting for only £8.50.

Also I found that perfect pair of jeans. You know the ones you don't want to take off because they are so comfy?  I've been living in them for the past week and don't intend to take them off. Ever. They were £12 in the sale at new look and are acid wash.

My favourite food has been quinoa with mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and fresh basil. Heres a quick recipe:

Make the quinoa for one according to pack instructions.
Chop one plum tomato into small chunks.
Heat some oil in a small pan.
Put the chopped tomato and a handful of basil in the pan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Put the cooked quinoa into the tomato mixture with the mozzarella which has been chopped into small chunks.
Stir until combined.
Season to taste.

That's all for now.
 Please comment below what you would like to see on this blog: Do you think I should do a sort of agony aunt style post or a how to guide?

Love from Me

Friday 29 August 2014

25 Things About Me

The summer holidays are coming to an end now. This should be the part where I make various comments such as: 'NOOO!' or maybe 'where has my summer gone?'
But, call me a freak of nature, I am looking forward to going back to school.
The boredom has kicked in. I have taught myself card tricks. I have drained my Ipod's battery twice in one day. My boredom has even reached the extent of me watching videos of 'What to do when you're bored'. It's bad, people.
So now i'm writing a blog post.
I've realized that you don't know much about the teenager sitting on the other end of the screen, so I thought i'd do the 25 things about me tag. Enjoy:

1. Do you have any pets? 
I have a cat called Bella who is 18 human years old now and 2 guinea piggies, Pumpkin and Patch.

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you. 

My Ipod, a huge bottle of water and a photo album (I was doing the photos of me every year from fetus to now then I got confused with scanning things to the laptop)

3. What's the weather like right now? 

Very English and grey

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed? 

No driving here.

5. What time did you wake up this morning? 

I'm training my body clock back to school times so 8am.

6. When was the last time you showered? 

I had a bath last night.

7. What was the last movie you saw?

My parents made me watch Zulu. My brain wasn't awake so I couldn't keep up.

8. What does your last text message say? 

How exciting.

9. What's your ringtone? 

'Classic Bell'

10. Have you ever been to a different country? 

I'm spoilt with travel so have been all over, furthest New Zealand, Thailand and Canada.

11. Do you like sushi? 

I'm vegetarian

12. Where do you buy your groceries? 

Sainsbury's all the way ;)

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? 

No, weird question.

14. How many siblings do you have? 

I have an 18 year old brother.

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? 

I use my Mum's laptop, my brother and Dad have their own and I have to share. #hardtimes

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 

15 in 2015

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses? 

I'm the only one in my family who doesn't.

18. Do you color your hair? 

I dyed mine red once but i'm back to being a natural brunette now.

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today. 

Eat pizza and cheesecake for tea mwahhaha

20. When was the last time you cried?

I'm crying now because the last time I cried before that was at the time travelers wife and now i'm remembering that film.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?

Goats cheese, more cheese, mushrooms, spinach, peppers, chilies, pineapple and sundried tomatoes, it works I promise.

22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers? 

Vegetarian so bean burgers ;)

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter? 


24. What is your eye color? 


25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? 


Thanks for reading, that must have been really boring for you.
Leave a comment
Millennium's daughter.

ps. What's your favourite colour of the alphabet between one and ten?

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Wellies and Wristbands 2014

Hey there internet folk,
This weekend I discovered the world of festival fun when I went to Wellies and Wristbands with guides. I had no idea what to expect, as it was with guides and definitely not as huge as Glastonbury, but the weekend I had turned out to be one of the best I have ever experienced. 

Let me try and display the fun of the festival with a series of images I took on my old digital camera.
 Every evening all 1200 of us went to see the bands in our wellies on the main stage. Most of the performers were new and upcoming, but there were some big acts, like the Loveable Rogues who I love dearly (I met them in Liverpool and this weekend Té waved at me I mean asdfjhsa)
 Me and my friend took this whilst sitting under the stars at night, I had never seen the stars so bright. It was beautiful.
 Our campsite was packed full of tents, we called our tent Rocky. He looked like a Rocky.

My first festival experience was amazing, in the day we got to go zorbing and sumo wrestling and at night me and my friends danced like lemons at the back of the crowd, not caring what anyone thought. I think that's what made it fun, I stopped caring that I hadn't washed for 4 days, that my hair could water the grass and I forgot about the apocalypse of my face without makeup and enjoyed being young.

Moral of this badly written blog post: Have fun and enjoy being who you are.

Come back soon,
Millennium's Daughter x

PS. Does anyone know how to actually use blogger because I have no idea I'm just typing.

Thursday 21 August 2014


I never know how to start a piece of writing. This goes for all writing, whether I have to 'Explain how you got this answer' in a maths exam, or write about my hypothetical best friend who became famous and how his/her fame has affected our friendship. That was the long writing test for last years English exam. It did not go well. 

So I guess i'll just say hi. I'm writing this blog with no idea of where I am going with it, and i'm writing it just for a bit of fun. I'm hoping to post mildly entertaining, badly introduced posts about life, the universe and everything regularly. I'm a millennium baby (hence the naming of the blog) who is growing up in North West England with her family and cat (I like cats). Just like every teenage girl I go to school, eat food and lie on my sofa for hours with the internet and my cat (Did I mention I really like cats?). 

Pop back soon,
Love from Millennium's daughter who is also really bad at ending pieces of writing.