Thursday 21 August 2014


I never know how to start a piece of writing. This goes for all writing, whether I have to 'Explain how you got this answer' in a maths exam, or write about my hypothetical best friend who became famous and how his/her fame has affected our friendship. That was the long writing test for last years English exam. It did not go well. 

So I guess i'll just say hi. I'm writing this blog with no idea of where I am going with it, and i'm writing it just for a bit of fun. I'm hoping to post mildly entertaining, badly introduced posts about life, the universe and everything regularly. I'm a millennium baby (hence the naming of the blog) who is growing up in North West England with her family and cat (I like cats). Just like every teenage girl I go to school, eat food and lie on my sofa for hours with the internet and my cat (Did I mention I really like cats?). 

Pop back soon,
Love from Millennium's daughter who is also really bad at ending pieces of writing.

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