Wednesday 27 August 2014

Wellies and Wristbands 2014

Hey there internet folk,
This weekend I discovered the world of festival fun when I went to Wellies and Wristbands with guides. I had no idea what to expect, as it was with guides and definitely not as huge as Glastonbury, but the weekend I had turned out to be one of the best I have ever experienced. 

Let me try and display the fun of the festival with a series of images I took on my old digital camera.
 Every evening all 1200 of us went to see the bands in our wellies on the main stage. Most of the performers were new and upcoming, but there were some big acts, like the Loveable Rogues who I love dearly (I met them in Liverpool and this weekend Té waved at me I mean asdfjhsa)
 Me and my friend took this whilst sitting under the stars at night, I had never seen the stars so bright. It was beautiful.
 Our campsite was packed full of tents, we called our tent Rocky. He looked like a Rocky.

My first festival experience was amazing, in the day we got to go zorbing and sumo wrestling and at night me and my friends danced like lemons at the back of the crowd, not caring what anyone thought. I think that's what made it fun, I stopped caring that I hadn't washed for 4 days, that my hair could water the grass and I forgot about the apocalypse of my face without makeup and enjoyed being young.

Moral of this badly written blog post: Have fun and enjoy being who you are.

Come back soon,
Millennium's Daughter x

PS. Does anyone know how to actually use blogger because I have no idea I'm just typing.

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