Thursday 22 January 2015

New years resolutions♥

New Years Resolutions 2015

Like tea.
I've started to live on hot chocolate. This isn't helped by my Dad constantly asking me if I want a 'cocoa' and me not being able to say no to a good thing. I hate going somewhere and being asked 'Tea or coffee?' and being thirsty and having to decline. Therefore, I will make myself like tea. Currently I am sitting here reluctantly drinking green tea wondering why the supposedly small cup is taking so long to drink, but I will con my taste buds into craving the bitter green juice.

Exercise 4 times a week.
Exercise is effort in Winter. I got into going out on runs in the Summer but now it's cold and dark, enough exercise for the week has been converted from long runs into 10 minutes on the wii fit a week. I have decided to do workout videos on youtube during on the week and I will try to drag myself out into the cold for a run on Saturdays despite my inner complaints.

Look after my pets.
I have a cat (Bella) who is unconditionally loved despite her meowing louder than I ever thought a cat could meow at 2 in the morning. She has cat dementia and is completely mad. Although we try to make it obvious for her, she still doesn't realize that she can drink water straight from the bowl, she tips it over with her foot and licks it off the floor. Not much more can be expected from a cat who is 18 human years (89 cat years)? I also have two 6 year old guinea pigs who, regretfully, I have pushed aside for a few years. When I first got them I was devoted. I would get up early and bring them in to play before school and they would be in for hours after school. But recently they have been taken out once a week at most, and I feel guilty so this year, they will be looked after more.

Be a first alarm kind of person.
2014: 6:50. First alarm. Snooze it. 6:55. Second alarm. Snooze it. 7:00. Third alarm. Snooze it. Continues until 7;30 when I realize that I only have half an hour to look half respectable and get on the bus.
This must stop. I am determined to become a person who can hear her alarm at 6:50 and get straight out of bed and start the day from the first ring. It's working now and I've started putting the alarm on the other side of the room so I am forced to get up to turn the alarm off.

I am very lucky. I live in a stable country where there is not much to worry about and my parents both have jobs. Recently I watched Sprinkle of Glitters video where she made packs for the homeless 
( and I want to do some of the same. Rather than throwing a too small top in the bin I  will give it to a charity shop. I also want to cook for my Mum. I don't want her to have to come home after a long journey and have to cook straight away. Homework isn't a problem for me so I will cook for us and she can put her feet up.

Let's hope I can keep these up:)

Love Millenniums daughter ♥

Pumpkin and patch♥

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