Saturday 4 October 2014

Thoughts on Autumn

So I have an apology. I haven't posted in over a month. There are no excuses. I am sorry. Forgive me.

Since we last talked I have started a new year at school. GCSE's are now the only topic teachers can talk about and the work is getting abundant and more demanding. Being a stress head, this is not very good for stress levels so I haven't really been posting because most of the time i'm walking around in circles knowing I have to do work but being too stressed about it so not actually doing any. Well done me. Great work ethic over here.

But now my favorite season is arriving and it makes me very happy indeed. As i'm typing this now, it's pouring it down with rain, the leaves are falling, i'm completely freezing because the heating isn't on but nevertheless the cold dark days of Autumn make me very happy. Soon I will start wearing over sized jumpers with thousands of layers underneath and a woolly coat over the top, with jeans which have four pairs of leggings underneath for extra warmth. Soon I will begin to take a scarf and gloves everywhere and drink hot chocolate like an addict. The prospect of these events makes me very happy indeed. Autumn is my favorite season and i'm very happy to see it approaching.

So let's not be grumpy about the days getting shorter. Let's smile because soon it's Halloween, and in a few weeks we'll be burning Guy on fireworks night. Let's smile because pumpkins and squash are in season (and they are the best foods) and let's smile because we can kick fallen leaves on evening walks.

Smile because it's autumn.

Love from Millenniums Daughter x