Tuesday 2 September 2014

August 2014 Favourites

Hey you who is reading my blog,
I've been watching lots of YouTube monthly favourite videos recently, and always think they are pretty entertaining. So I thought i'd take the fun of the favourites to my blog. Hopefully this will become a monthly thing.

First of all, my favourite place has been St Ives, Cornwall. Me, my mum and Dad went on a weeks holiday there and I completely fell in love with Cornwall. It was so different to the rainy place most English people think a holiday to Cornwall will be like. As me and my Dad are incapable of sitting still, we went on a surfing and walking holiday. I managed to stand up surf :D. We went on a walk for 2 hours then found a secret cove, with seals bobbing in the sea whilst we ate the Cornish pasties which we had bought in the amazing St Ives Bakery that morning. Completely idyllic, and it only rained on our departure day.

Images from the secret-ish cove

My favourite beauty product this month has been the Clean and Clear Morning Energy Face wash. I picked it up in poundland (classy me) and I think it's done me some good. I certainly feel refreshed after I use it, it smells yummy unlike face washes I've used in the past which smell like I'm putting bleach on my skin. I use my Nivea moisturiser afterwards and then I feel facially prepared for the day.

My favourite website this month has been good old Ebay. I managed to sell an old Hollister hoody, Jack Wills Jumper and a Hollister tshirt for £25. EBay is really great for me because I don't wear designer clothes anymore (I think it's pointless) so I can get good prices for things I don't wear. Wearing pre worn clothes doesn't bother me, so it's good to find good deals. I recently bought a thick jumper for the colder days we'll be getting for only £8.50.

Also I found that perfect pair of jeans. You know the ones you don't want to take off because they are so comfy?  I've been living in them for the past week and don't intend to take them off. Ever. They were £12 in the sale at new look and are acid wash.

My favourite food has been quinoa with mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and fresh basil. Heres a quick recipe:

Make the quinoa for one according to pack instructions.
Chop one plum tomato into small chunks.
Heat some oil in a small pan.
Put the chopped tomato and a handful of basil in the pan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Put the cooked quinoa into the tomato mixture with the mozzarella which has been chopped into small chunks.
Stir until combined.
Season to taste.

That's all for now.
 Please comment below what you would like to see on this blog: Do you think I should do a sort of agony aunt style post or a how to guide?

Love from Me